April 21, 2008

Highland dance test

The children were tested on their highland dancing skills. This is a big deal as the adjudicator flies in from Scotland. The kids all passed with flying colours, and will be getting their medals from Scotland in a couple of months.Trinity is as cool as a cucumber. This is her first test.
Heather and her friend are waiting for their turn. Only three girls are sent in at a time in front of the judge. We are not allowed to watch them dance.
A sea of kilts! Grace didn't have a test this year, as she has already passed all the levels for her age group. I remember last year Grace came out crying because all the other girls in her test group were so much bigger than she was.
Mary Margaret also did a great job. She is at the 'pre-gold' level, which obviously gets more difficult. Mary was nervous, but did a fantastic job, and her teacher was really proud of her. Me too.

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