October 12, 2007

chocolate mousse cake

Or should I say 'Chocolate chiffon cake filled with Bernard Callebaut milk chocolate mousse with white chocolate glaze' phew! I think it is kind of silly to list every single component in a cake title. They do that a lot in fancy-shmancy recipe magazines and what-not....what was I talking about? Ah, yes, chocolate! I had an order for a chocolate mousse birthday cake, and with the extra cake and mousse (Bernard Callebaut milk chocolate mousse, that is) I was able to make dessert for our family, too.
I didn't get any pictures of the actual birthday cake, so I thought I would show off the desserts that I put together for Gregory and myself.
BTW, happy birthday to our friend, Dave. He is the one who introduced Greg & me. Cheers, Dave!

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