July 14, 2007

picnic at the beach

I took the kids to the beach near our house for a picnic. There is a neat little gazebo in the middle of a dock with benches and is the perfect picnic spot.
Felicity, Trinity, Heather, Mary, Thomas, Grace & Eva.Mary Margaret
Cin-Cin (Trinity's nick-name) She has her water shoes on, and really liked walking in the water.
Eva, me, and Felicity. Eva looks so tall in this picture!
The kids made this rock into a sort of secret club. I can't tell you any more about it, because, well, because it's a secret. As they were all sitting there, the tide was coming in, and Eva had to give Heather a piggy-back ride back to shore.Thomas made this cool figure while we were at the beach. It is Jesus on the cross.

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