August 26, 2007

What in the name of Hello Kitty did I just drink

Gregory was given a bottle of 'Bainiangudu', which is a Chinese Liquor of some sort. Of course I had to take a shot of it. Whoa! Please... please... never.. do this! Ever. Seriously.
After all my strange facial and full body twitching ended, Gregory passed me the bottle of 'Bainiangudu' so I could read the back of the label.
This is how it starts:
"Bainiangudu is made from sweet spring water and collects various kinds of technology...."
Um... I like technology and all, but I'm not too sure it should be bottled and/or consumed in any way. Apparently 'Bainiangudu' means 'hundred years loneliness' and "Afterwards, it can make people feel generous, melancholy, mer-rier and sadder."

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