February 13, 2007

Music Festival time is here. The music festival allows the children from the Cowichan Valley to perform in front of an adjudicator and if they are in a competative class, they could win prizes. It is lots of fun, but it can be a busy time if you happen to have a family with a lot of talented kids! Felicity will be singing, but she can't play the harp this year because she broke her finger a few weeks ago, and was not able to practice for so long. (last year she won $50.00)
Eva is singing, but missed her cello class as she was on a ski trip with her school.
Mary Margaret is singing and also highland dancing.
Thomas is singing
Heather sang today and is in the same group dance as Mary.
It was Heather's first time singing in the music festival, and she did a great job. The adjudicator had a lot of nice comments for the children.Thomas, Mary and Felicity also sang today.
I didn't take any photos of the kids today, but here is my favorite photo of the kids, taken in the summertime.

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