This is not the greatest picture, but it'll do. This is Gregory's steak and he put some garlic and hot sauce on it. mmm, spicy...
A lot of my posts happen to be about food and about what we cook and eat. Is that weird? I guess dinner time is when we all get together as a family and enjoy each other's company.
Anyway, tonight we had bar-b-q steak, grilled eggplant & zucchini, roast potatoes, and a spinach salad.The potatoes were cut like french fries, tossed in a bit of oil & sprinkled with paprika, salt & pepper, and roasted at 425* for about 25 mins. The eggplant & zucchini were simply tossed with olive oil, salt & pepper, then grilled on the B-B-Q, and then I put Parmesan cheese on top to serve. It was all so good and of course, there was a delicious wine to go with the meal. Greg's dad came over for dinner tonight too, which was very nice because we haven't seen him for a week or so.
Confession: (we don't always cook a huge meal-- last night we had KFC)
Thanks for the confession! You guys have so many impressive dinners. It's nice to here that sometimes you take a break from cooking.
Anyway, thanks for sharing all these great menu ideas with us. I tried a few of them already.
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