Felicity and I just returned from a three day field trip (with the two grade 8 classes) to Bamfield. It is so beautiful there and the kids really learned a lot about marine biology. There was a lot of hands-on stuff, which everyone likes much better than looking at pictures, etc. The only down side was that the day before we were to leave, Felicity pulled a ligament in her ankle, so she was using crutches the whole time. Bamfield is not an easy place to get around with crutches! Lots of (steep) gravel trails, grassy hills, tree roots, not to mention tidal pools, rocky/sandy beaches! but Felicity did great with hardly any complaints. She did almost all the activities, with the exception of a 20 minute hike to Brady Beach, instead, we got to relax on leather couches in a gorgeous lounge with the most amazing views of the ocean and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies! Not bad, huh?

We drove from Duncan to Port Alberni and then got on the "Lady Rose" which took us to Bamfield. It was a beautiful sunny day and Felicity & I found a perfect spot to sit outside on deck to read and relax.

The Lady Rose had quite a few stops to make, dropping off supplies to little post offices, fish hatcheries and just little docks, etc. The picture above is of an old canning site. I thought it looked neat.

Here is Felicity with her friends writing in their journals.

Skeletons of different marine animals such as otters, seals, and the big one is a *baby* whale.

Felicity at one of the "touch tanks" in a lab.


Me, holding a starfish.

The kids got to go out in a boat and test the salinity of the water in an estuary and then in the open ocean and at different depths and chart their findings. They also took samples of the water and took them back to the lab to look at under a microscope . They found different types of plankton, crab larvae, tiny jellyfish and other stuff, too. Felicity said the zooplankton was really cool to see.

Felicity with her fish print.
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