Happy Father's Day, Dad!
My Dad is on an Alaskan cruise right now, but I have been thinking of you today, Dad. Love you, and hope you are having a great time.
And the girls and I hope that Gregory is having a good time in Italy with Thomas. We sure miss you guys. The girls had so many nice things to say about their dad. Here is what they asked me to write down:
I like it when he reads us stories and tucks us in.
I like his cooking. It's yummy.
He is very strong and very handsome.
His motorcycle is very very cool.
I love it when he tickles me. (Trinity)
I like it when he takes me dirt biking.
I like it when he plays the piano.
He is good at fixing things.
He is a good lawyer, very smart, and kind.
I like it when he's here. (me too!)
We love you.
One day Trinity and I were talking about Daddy, and I wanted to know if she knew the word husband, so I asked her what Daddy was to me. She had to think about it. She knew he wasn't my Dad, so he must be ummm....my.....ummm.....my KING! I thought that was so cute
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