Guess who got glasses?

Grace and Heather! Here they are, checking out the selection of glasses.

With so many choices, Heather had to give us all a fashion show to see which glasses suited her the best.

Grace chose a blue pair of glasses that matched her eyes. Cute.

Grace told me that the chalk board at school was a little"fuzzy". Then Heather told me that she always has to copy the work from the girl who sits in front of her! Gosh, let's go to the eye doctor!

Don't they look sweet? Well, Grace is kind of excited, but still pretty cute.
They were so thrilled with everything on the way home. I have never heard the word "amazing" so many times.
"oh my gosh, look at those trees, they are
"I can read that sign, it is so
"Look at those apples on the tree, they are
This was Halloween night when when they got their glasses, and after they got home from trick-or-treating, we were watching fireworks from across the water, and we all thought that it was guessed it...